1563 words • 7 minute read.
Recently at work, I picked up a ticket which involved rendering a list of images. The list was made up of 2 columns, with 2 images in each row.
Each Image was to be rendered with a 1:1 aspect ratio, with a label underneath. Nothing too complicated. The only stipulation I had was that I didn’t want to define any fixed dimensions, allowing the image tile to fill the available space regardless of the iOS device. But when I tried to modify the shape of the images using the .aspectRatio() API, I didn’t get the results I expected.
Let me explain why…
Considering the images were being fetched from a remote URL, I decided to use the AsyncImage
API and structured the list of images using a LazyVGrid
The expected outcome was to look something like this:
So first I defined my column arrangement:
private let columns = [
GridItem(.flexible(), spacing: 16),
GridItem(.flexible(), spacing: 16)
I then declared a @State
property to hold my image objects which were created onAppear
(just for the purpose of this article):
@State var gridItems: [TileItem] = []
Next I put the main view structure together:
ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: columns, spacing: 16) {
ForEach(gridItems, id: \.self) { item in
imageURL: item.imageURL,
name: item.name
.padding(.horizontal, 16)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
.padding(.top, 18)
.onAppear {
As you can see above, this consisted of an outer ScrollView
, with a LazyVGrid
nested inside it using our column arrangement. Inside that we are using ForEach
to iterate over the list of gridItems
, passing the details of each object into a TileView
With that in place, let me show you my TileView
public struct TileView: View {
let imageURL: String
let name: String
public var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 0) {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 16) {
The TileView
consisted of a parent VStack
which held the image at the top, and a child VStack
at the bottom which held the name psst (yes I know, I probably could have removed the bottom VStack, but in the real life project, there was more than just the name in there 😉).
Now the interesting part:
var tileImage: some View {
if let url = URL(string: imageURL) {
AsyncImage(url: url) { phase in
switch phase {
case .empty:
emptyView(loading: true)
case .success(let image):
.aspectRatio(1.0, contentMode: .fill)
case .failure:
@unknown default:
This was my AsyncImage
view, everything in my opinion, looks like it should work, but when I ran the project this was the output:
Now on first glance, this may look ok, but when you look closer, these images are actually being squashed in from the sides which is not a good look.
So lets take a closer look at our implementation:
.aspectRatio(1.0, contentMode: .fill)
First we have the image
, this is the associated value of the success
case from async image return property.
The .resizable()
modifier then resizes the image to fit the available space.
Then we have .aspectRatio(1.0, contentMode: .fill)
, this should according to the documentation:
Constrain a view’s dimensions to an aspect ratio specified by a CGFLOAT using the specified content mode.
Now the content mode is .fill
, which according to the documentation should:
*An option that resizes the content so it occupies all available space, both vertically and horizontally.
This mode preserves the content’s aspect ratio. If the content doesn’t have the same aspect ratio as the available space, the content becomes the same size as the available space on one axis, and larger on the other axis.*
However, in practice, this wasn’t happening. Instead of the image filling the available space while preserving its aspect ratio, the images were being squashed. To illustrate, let’s consider this 3:2 image as an example:
If this was one of the images I was passing into the above list, this is what is happening to it, its being squashed into the available space from the vertical edges:
When what should happen is that SwiftUI should take a cropped section of the image:
And then make it look like the below:
Much better isn’t it. So It appears that when we apply the aspectRatio()
modifier whilst specifying an aspect ratio of 1.0
and contentMode of .fill
, SwiftUI is confining the image its applied to, to the specified aspect ratio, but its not respecting the images original aspect ratio.
So after some time spent trying to find a work around (whilst banging my head repeatedly up the wall) to see how else it could be done, I came up with the below solution:
.aspectRatio(1.0, contentMode: .fill)
.background {
By declaring a clear Rectangle()
, specifying its aspect ratio, and then passing our image into the background of it, it gives us the desired outcome. Just for clarification for anyone that doesn’t know, .scaledToFill()
scales the image to fill its parents bounds while still keeping its original aspect ratio, and is the equivalent to using .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
Just so that you can see the two used together:
It really does depend on the image of how much it appears to be affected, but you can clearly see the difference here with the bottom images looking much better than the top ones.
The final outcome with all images looking they way they are supposed to be:
When .aspectRatio(1.0, contentMode: .fill)
is applied to an image. I personally would have expected this to respect the images original aspect ratio whatever that may be, but modify the parent container of the image to a 1:1 aspect ratio and fill the available space leaving no white space around it.
This desired outcome can still be achieved using the above method, but I do wonder if this is a problem in the aspectRatio()
API, or whether its just my understanding of how it should be used.
If any of you have a better understanding than me, and have an answer to my conundrum then please get in touch.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂.